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Mila Zoë

Mila Zoë turned one in early October and is a happy and agile child. This has not always been the case. At the beginning of her young life, she is very tense and literally tenses at the slightest thing. She also twists one of her arms in a special way. She is definitely not a “cry baby”. She is very sweet, but cannot have any additional influences besides her own little world. For example, she never sleeps in the pushchair, she needs to see everything. She also always keeps herself stretched out, she never gets into the typical baby position. Even in the bath she is tense. Anxious about this, I report this to the consultation bureau. This is followed by a series of treatments with the paediatric physiotherapist. She describes her as a little sponge; she absorbs everything and can’t process it yet. The treatments have pushed her in the right direction, but as a mother I still notice tension in her little body. Now that I had hit the treatments’ road anyway, I did not leave it at that.


I myself am under regular treatment at the chiropractor. At one of the visits, I raised my experiences with Mila Zoë, she was 8 months at the time. He advised me to consult the colleague at the practice who specialises in children. I did and within days Mila Zoë was at her audience. What turns out: due to the lightning-fast birth, a small shift has occurred in Mila Zoë’s neck. This causes tensions and blockages that the baby cannot cope with. In five treatments this was literally and figuratively put right. From then on, she can completely turn her head and rock back and forth. And within weeks, she went from a baby who could only actively play on her back, to turning, to crawling, to sitting, to standing in the playpen but also to sitting again and walking along the edge. Moreover, she is very relaxed and happy. When playing a CD, her whole body dances to the beat of the music.


Meanwhile, she walks on two fingers of mummy Martine or daddy Roger, as well as along the wall and along the table and chairs. In short, a relaxed and very agile auntie.
She also goes everywhere with us now. Even in a restaurant, she sits delightfully in the high chair looking around and smiling at everyone who responds.

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